Always be grateful

Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...

Dear YOU

Hello pals!

You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life

Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.

So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Move On

Move on bukanlah sesuatu hal yang mudah dilakukan jika telah melibatkan perasaan yang mendalam. Berbicara soal hubungan, ada pasang surut, ada romantika perselisihan, ada waktu untuk memulai dan ada waktu untuk mengakhirinya. Ibarat bunga yang ada masa kuncup, mekar, dan gugur, sama hal nya dengan hubungan itu sendiri. Jika setelah gugur, tak mampu memupuknya untuk mekar kembali maka datanglah akhir dari hubungan itu. Setelah gugur, harus berusaha untuk menanam lagi bunga yang baru agar dia dapat mekar kembali menjadi bunga yang indah.

Kata siapa move on itu mudah? Dia pasti belum menaruh perasaannya terlalu dalam. Terlebih lagi, ketika kamu menjalani hubungan dalam hal ini aku berbicara dengan seorang pria, yang kamu merasa bahwa lebih dari separuh keyakinan kamu akan menghabiskan sisa hidupmu dengannya, ya, kamu membayangkan dia yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak, untuk menjadi ayah dari anak-anak yang kamu lahirkan nantinya, seseorang yang bisa dijadikan pedoman dan kepala keluarga, namun segalanya akan berakhir sampai di satu titik, titik dimana lagi kalian tidak bisa berjalan beriringan. For me, in a relationship, if you don’t wanna stay, just leave. Simple but hard. Aku pernah mendengar dari salah seorang teman:
“Menikahlah dengan orang yang kamu bisa bayangkan kamu akan hidup bersama dengannya, melihat wajahnya tiap pagi, yang akan bertanggungjawab memintamu dari kedua orangtuamu dan memberikanmu kehidupan yang baru.”

Jika kamu bertanya, apakah aku sudah membayangkan wajah orang itu, kujawab dengan jujur “iya”. Aku sudah membayangkan aku akan hidup bersama dengannya meski aku tahu itu tidak mudah. Beberapa kesamaan yang sulit untuk dikalahkan serta beberapa perbedaan yang sulit untuk disatukan. Namun, aku ingin berusaha selangkah demi selangkah.

Aku juga pernah bercerita tentang dirinya kepada kedua orangtuaku bahwa dia yang aku bayangkan untuk hidup bersama. Hingga sampai satu masa di musim gugur tahun ini, dimana aku menyerah akan semua hal antara kami berdua, terlalu lelah untuk bertahan, seakan diriku jatuh terduduk di taman yang penuh dengan daun berguguran. Seperti kapal yang kami pandu bersama membentur batu karang dan aku menyerah untuk membelokkannya. Aku meminta petunjuk kepada Yang Di Atas, jika memang orang ini yang akan melalui masa depan bersamaku, buatlah dia bertahan saat aku tak mampu lagi bertahan sehingga kapal akan tetap melaju di samudera meski lambat. Ternyata aku menyemangati diriku sendiri bahwa dengan dia tetap bertahan, aku juga harus bertahan. Kembali kami memandu kapal bersama, semakin hari aku semakin belajar untuk bertahan, untuk menerima hal yang tak kusukai dari dirinya, untuk menurunkan ego sedikit demi sedikit, dan menambah lapisan keyakinan hingga akhirnya kami tiba kembali di tepian, namun dia tidak ingin berlabuh lagi. Dia hanya akan berdiam di kapal itu. Apa yang harus kulakukan? Di sanalah, kami berbeda dalam satu tempat yang sama, aku di pinggir tepian, dia berada dalam kapalnya, tidak ada lagi usaha, tidak ada lagi ketahanan.

Aku harus mengumpulkan kekuatan untuk berjalan ke tepian lain. Aku akan tetap berlabuh sehingga aku akan berpindah ke kapal lain, namun memulai berlabuh kembali bukanlah hal yang bisa dilakukan dalam sekejap. Aku harus kembali sabar menunggu kapal lain. Di musim gugur tahun ini mungkin tidak akan kulupakan, setelah bertahan dari musim semi tiga tahun yang lalu, peluh kesabaran dan bertahan menunggu di tepian akhirnya aku kembali lagi ke tepian yang sama. Aku harus berlabuh agar aku tak kembali terpuruk dalam tepian yang sama. Dua tahun menunggu hingga aku berlabuh dengannya bagiku itu sudah cukup untuk membuktikan semua yang terjadi saat ini. Air mata, sakit, tentu saja, but still life goes on. Bagiku akan sia-sia menunggu orang yang tidak ingin menggerakkan kapalnya dan jika dia menggerakkan kapalnya kembali di suatu waktu akan datang, kamu belum tentu akan memandu bersamanya bukan. Berjalan ke tepian lain mencari kapal lain bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah, namun lebih tidak mudah lagi menunggu seseorang yang belum pasti kapan akan berlabuh lagi.

Whatever happened in your life, good or bad, just be grateful because All is Well.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Long time no talk about something random ha….

So, my 2nd year life in thic hectic city. I called it traveling year for 2013. However, lots of trips rolling down this year. Started from February visited Bandung for the first time in the new year, then March for hometown visit, continued to April visited my special one in SG, Vesak trip to Borobudur in May, my brother’s graduation and family trip to China-Hong Kong-Macau, then Australia trip and colleague gathering trip to SG in August, and I guess it’s the end *maybe* as I haven’t known yet about next trip.

Actually, I really wanna go to Wakatobi in November which my plan trip since last year but traveling partner is hard to find ya. However, just enjoy the moments as long as you enjoy, you’ll be happy J

Nothing to be worried, expect less, and always be grateful for every single things happened in your life. There’s lot of people outside there are not so lucky as me who has enough money from enjoyable job to explore other cultures, sightseeing, eat delicious food, do shopping, and having fun so I think it’s more than enough for me. If you wanna compare to others, it’ll never come to the end. There’s saying “above the sky, there’s another sky” and I totally agree with this quote. I have my own things and people, they have theirs, there’s no need kinda jealous about theirs, though sometimes I still have that kinda feeling.

Long time no blogging make me miss this world so much hahaha. My traveling and culinary experience that I wanna share to the world seems stop for a while. Having so much busy times these recent months make any idea of writing just stop inside my mind. And time moves so fast till 2,5 months left. It’s gonna be a new year again which means time for another reflection, new resolutions, hopes, and dreams, older and better person, and changes. Till now, I still don’t have any plan to celebrate my new year, but never mind, new year is not only about celebration, for me it means more than that one night, it’s like a review for what you’ve done in a year and what you gonna do in next year.  2 months gonna  be blink of eyes.  See you ahead!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Cheers to Gold Coast 2013

Don't judge me, as long as you have walked in my shoes so you know how much pain I've been through...
After the snowy time and the chilled wind, let's moved to the third and fourth city, welcomed by summer time :)

An early morning flight took me away from Sydney to Brisbane. I really wanna stayed longer in Sydney, but I should continue my trip. Hello, Brisbane! This city was not so many places to visit. Skip the Brisbane, we went to Tangalooma Island for a night. The small island with several activities, dolphin feeding, sand tobogganing, 4w dessert tour, helicopter tour and others. 
The room was so nice and I could see the sea view right from my balcony. A damn cold night I spent there, the next morning, I heard that that night was the extremely windy ever in last two years. But, it's nice resort for taking rest a while.

Brisbane, I spent hours here... the parliament building and Kangaroo Point to see the city view of Brisbane, then we had semi fine lunch at Summit Restaurant & Bar. This restaurant was my favourite one because I could see the whole city view which one of my favorite things to do. :) I found here in Brisbane. Then, the bus took me to DFO, and once again I didn't do lot shopping because better I saved money for next trip LoL. Then we had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe Gold Coast, then we went back to hotel. Our hotel was near Surfers Paradise which was crowded during the night. There's night market at seaside, shopping center, and lots of cafes, restaurants, and bars. I was hungry and tried to look for cheap restaurant hahaha... ended in a western food restaurant named Seafood Empire  *if i wasn't wronf* , spaghetti bolognese for AUD 9 and I didn't order any drink because the mineral water was free. :) 

The second day trip, went to Dream World, I didn't play anything here, just accompanied my mom watched some shows. It's because I didn't like play the games and better decided hunting photos  Had a lunch buffet in Billabong Restaurant, standard taste and crowded with travel groups. Then, we were brought to Skypoint Observation Deck, reached 77th levels in 43 seconds and got the view from Gold Coast to Sydney. It's so awesome! The more I felt in love with city view, saw sunset from here... We had dinner at Ocean Seafood Restaurant, Chinese Malaysian restaurant which has good taste. I ended the last night by eating Copenhagen Ice Cream which known in serving fresh ice cream daily. :)

Thanks Gold Coast for the enjoyable moments :)

First time trying sand tobogganing, the taste of sand not delicious :p

Sunset at Tangalooma island Resort

Kangaroo Point

View from Summit Restaurant

Cheers at Hard Rock Cafe

Spaghetii Bolognese


Sunset at Observation Deck

Nice house

Movie World
Churros AUD 4

Hotdog AUD 8

Nice Sunset


From Sydney With Love 2013

Once in a year, go someplace you've never been before.
Holla, the best city I like in the kangaroo continental is Sydney. From the first time, I felt in love with this city, where loves blooming here. I visited this crowded city for two days with different weather, sunny chilly wind then calm cold freezing. However, in this city my special ones, two super women gathered, met up, had chit chat till late night, and short hang out together, i couldn't be happier than this. Long time no see her, it's extremely short two days but 
it's more than enough than no meeting at all. Friendship from high school till now different continent separated by the oceans, we're still keep in touch, beib. Last year, you visited me, and this year, i visited you, let's travel together next year :p 
Thank you Sydney for the memories ever lasting... I gonna miss you and really hope can have another chance to visit you again. See you when I see you. :)

My Aussie trip continued to Sydney... 
Morning flight made me so sleepy but when I arrived at this crowded city, it warmed up my spirit. For the first place, here came Mrs. Macquarie's Chair, the best sightseeing point to capture Sydney city with its beautiful Opera House and Sydney Bridge in your mind and made you couldn't even forget this moment. I was so excited to this city, because she stayed here... Yeah, Ms. Widya, hahaha, my beib, actually I gonna met her here, but the schedule  hanged. So, we met at Opera House, a very short time to take photos, just got several photos, hooh, double excited we could take photos with the opera background, in Sydney ha, couldn't ever imagine our dream came true. The weather was quite sunny and the sky was so blue to get the beautiful photos. 

I had my lunch at Captain Cook's Cruises. The buffet wasn't so nice, the only thing that made me ate so much because they provided prawns, you know how i'm crazy with seafood. About 2 hours, the cruise took us seeing the view of Darling Harbour and Sydney city, the view was best, you could capture lots of good photos here. After that, the next place to visit was Bondi Beach. 
Mom walking at Bondi Beach
The most famous in Sydney I think, for me, who had gone to several beaches in my own country *proud of me* this beach was so so, hahaha... I ate macadamia ice cream in chilled wind while waiting the other tour members. Next one was The GAP. How I wished, I could get the beautiful view but when my bus stopped at the location, I saw those two giant stones from the bus' window, was so lazy to go down, once again, the view was standard *high standard of me* :p. Then, we went to Queen Victoria Building, the luxurious shopping center where my money not worth spending LoL. I met Widya again here and she brought me macarons with taste the best ever. We had our dinner at Darling Harbour, a seafood restaurant named Nick's. Once in my lifetime, there's a huge portion of seafood platter served in front of me and it's for two. Of course, the first target was the lobster. Me and my mom ate almost those seafood except the fried squids. We're like seafood hunters hahaha... Then, we were brought back to the Novotel. We stayed here for two nights.  
Macadamia ice cream

Widya and I, had a night walking through Sydney city. Those precious moments would never be forgotten, our walk ended in a Korean cafe which had the good taste of hot green tea latte. I forgot the name of that cafe. We had chit chat during the night and it felt like a dream, no line, no text, face to face, expressions, glad to have those moments with you beib.

Blue Mountain
The second day in Sydney, we visited Blue Mountain, about 3 hours from the city. Though, there wasn't snowy there but the wind was damn cold. Blue Mountain was a nice village and we had semi fine lunchie at Carrington Hotel which has the wonderful interior and their Australian beef steak was delicious. Back to Sydney, we visited Anz Stadium then had buffet dinner at Star Casino which served lots of food, desserts, drinks, salads, appetizers, you could eat till you drop. :)

Last night in Sydney, due to I felt not so well, I had myself bathtub-ing time and Widya visited me, so three of us talked together, my cool mom, her, and me LoL. Great night ended my visit in Sydney.

Syd, please pray for my another visit. See you when I see you :)

Queen Victoria Building

Queen Victoria Building

Darling Harbour at Night

Seafood Platter at Nick's

Good Quote right? Novotel

The nice room

Cute macarons

The best macarons ever

Hot Green Tea latte

The Carrington Hotel

The Carrington Hotel

Interior at the Carrington Hotel

Australian beef steak

ANZ Stadium

Sunset from the bus