Always be grateful

Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...

Dear YOU

Hello pals!

You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life

Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.

So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year! New Me!

Hey my dear! Happy New Year 2013! I think it's not so late right?

Here I stand... A new year... Another year to face, another year to love and hope. You wanna know what my feeling now? I feel happy and I think this point I become more mature and better. At this point, I really realize everything that ever hurt me in the past years, those memories make me walk till this point, the no return point. 
Let go thing you can't change, focus on things you can. :) 
So, here I'm proud telling you my dear, I'm not sick, hurt, down, anymore. I become a new one that can let go everything even everyone without feeling hurt again. People come and go, feelings fade, nothing's reproofable. What they can do without me, so can I. Just say cheers, move on, and keep walking. 
Never accept less than what you know you deserve... in career, in love, in LIFE.
Thank you to all of them, they have made me tough and can stand well today. This is so much better and I can't imagine I've reached this point and I could go through those obstacles. :) All tears and hurts have taught me not to depend your feeling on someone that means you give them chance to hurt me. Stand alone, proud of myself, keep my eyes looking who deserve, smile and cheers to this life!

PS: To all my friends, I let you go, thank you for the memories and made myself tough. To you there, thank you for affection and made myself know how to let go.


  1. I really like the sentence:
    "Let go things you can't change, focus on things you can."
    You are so brave to accept and let go. I wish I could also have the same attitude.

    Thank you for the inspiration. You make up my day.
