Always be grateful

Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...

Dear YOU

Hello pals!

You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life

Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.

So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^

Thursday, August 30, 2012

That Sign

Hello, dear. If you keep listening to me through these months and years, you're bored about what I told you, especially about disappointment. I keep telling myself to stop care and focus on myself, but still I didn't do it and was disappointed again. So, this time, I think I gonna make it real. And the disappointment repeated part is not the only one, here we go...

Last year in July, I have written my praying about a sign. That sign ever came to me once about last two weeks I think. I was surprised for sure. Though, it's not a whole sign, but I was quite surprised. So, I keep thinking that someone from my past, am I just not aware that he's really the one? Huh... I don't know, it's really make me confused. Actually I hope it is. hahaha. Someone's far away, someone's from past, and someone's I had chemistry from the first time saw him. One minute gaze, whole day chemistry, months thinking, whole time heart beats, the only one i feel interested, and the only I can't ask to take photos of me. I just don't know how his feeling about me, everything changes, so do people, does he have feeling the same from years ago? So, what does that sign mean? I need to looking for the answer. Keep walking the path and find out. The half owner of my hear, i hope you know how I'm feeling now.

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