Always be grateful

Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...

Dear YOU

Hello pals!

You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life

Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.

So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^

Sunday, June 15, 2014

11th Month in 23rd

Hey, dear. pardon me for a week late...

Quite busy nowadays because I got lot things to do..

The first week I had my short getaway to Jogja for Vesak trip. This year was quite better than last year. I visited Gua Pindul, Merapi, Prambanan, and culinary trip for this visit. Lots of fun and precious moments. I had lot of photos on my facebook.

The second and third week lots of things to do but can't actually describe what exactly I was doing, such a little confused. 

The last week I had gathering with high school friends. 

Actually this month was half happy and half confused especially that thing. I decide not to take care anymore and let it flows, if there's nothing changes then I think I should let it go.

So, let's see then...

I'm so excited welcoming the second week of my last month :) see you ahead...

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