Always be grateful

Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...

Dear YOU

Hello pals!

You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life

Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.

So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^

Sunday, March 2, 2014

ladies need to be assured of her position in your life

Guys, just showing ACTION is not enough. Don’t think that you can always getaway with “action speaks louder than words” because sometimes words are what they need to hear. I think that the ladies need to be assured of her position in your life. And you need to tell her that you love her. I believe that every time you tell her just how much you love her, it’s like a printing a tattoo on her heart. It will stay in her life forever. 

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