Jujur, aku bingung banget mau nyebutnya "unik" atau "aneh". Dari pengalamanku berpindah dari Medan ke Bandung ke Jakarta dan sekarang ke Makassar yang mungkin akan kuhabiskan sisa hidupku di sini (ga ada yang tahu kan kalo ke depannya pindah lagi haha), kota paling terakhir ini kota yang paling lain dari biasanya terutama karakter orangnya. Hmmm tapi ga bisa pure terlalu judge juga karena profesi yang beda di tiap kota. Di Medan, aku hanya masyarakat lokal, anak sekolahan, sehingga mungkin tidak terlalu nyadar seperti apa karakternya hingga pas aku kembali pas liburan baru terbaca karakternya seperti apa hahaha, di Bandung aku anak kuliahan, karakter nya mulai terbaca karena mulai berbaur dengan masyarakat lokal di sana, di Jakarta aku karyawan swasta terbaca juga karakter orang Jakarta, dan terakhir di sini tempat berlabuh *cie lha*. Untuk kota lain sebaiknya ga usah dibahas lha ya secara sudah berlalu dan aku nganggepnya itu masih wajar2 saja, yang paling lain dari biasanya kota yang kutinggali ini nih. Mungkin karena sekarang sebagian waktuku bergerak di bidang jasa yang melayani pertanyaan2 masyarakat lokal sini sehingga aku lebih bisa memahami karakter mereka hanya dengan pertanyaan yang mereka tanyakan. Pertanyaan yang kadang secara logika tidak mungkin mereka tanyakan, tapi kenyataan nya mereka bertanya seperti itu. Kadang itu sampe speechless ngejawabnya gimana secara udah jelas donk jawabannya. Jadi unik atau aneh? Hal yang ga mungkin terjadi di kota lain juga bisa terjadi di sini. Pola pikir, kebiasaan, beda banget pokoknya. Extraordinary! Ga tau harus senang atau sedih yang pasti hingga setengah tahun aku masih belum terbiasa di sini dengan semua "freak" masih sakit gesekannya sana sini belum bisa kebal kulitku ibaratnya. Hanya bisa menghela nafas panjaaaannnggg dengan semua pertanyaan, kebiasaan, pola pikir, dan karakter. Berdoa dalam hati semoga aku tetap pada pendirian dan menjadi salah satu dari mereka hahahaha, meski sendiri beda tapi lebih better daripada punya pola pikir begitu. Memang ga semua ya tapi mostly di sini begitu. Rindu banget sama teman2 di Bandung, Jakarta, Medan, teman2 baik di sana yang bisa disebut "teman" bukan yang hanya marut keuntungan. Teman yang tau bagaimana "act like friends". Yah, memang sih aku bisa dibilang ga punya teman sama sekali di sini. My life started from zero. Teman2 yang sekarang pun pasti butuh proses, tapi karena sedikit sixth sense aku dah bisa membaca karakter jadi daripada keki dan sakit hati lagi lebih baik jaga jarak haha. Gap"an masih kental di sini udah kayak zaman skolah aja mungkin di kota lain juga sih tapi karena ini tidak terlalu besar kotanya ya tapi ya kenyataan di lingkungan sekitar begitu. Semua orang pasti ktemu yang nyaman ya, semoga aku begitu juga.
Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...
Dear YOU
Hello pals!
You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life
Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.
So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^
Thursday, October 15, 2015
2nd Month-3rd Month in 25th
2 months off from you, lots of events missed to tell you but pals, you know you're always get the complete one from the shortest story.
Second month began with Idul Fitri holiday for a week. Me and my hubby spent quality time at home and a night in Karebosi Condotel, we enjoyed their infinity pool haha. Then another day met up with his high school friends, the next day celebrated my father in law's birthday, then back to routine activities. Not much story for this 2nd month, life was so so, flat, and like the usual days, met up with some friends, duty visit, and so on.
The date of my 3rd Month in 25th was exactly my 1st year having the culinary account. So much tears than laughs, downs more than ups, made me flash back the moments I've wasted building this account, my time, energy, and my ideas. Are what I'm getting worth? Poor, the answer is 'no' but my hubby keep supporting me, "be patience, soon." That word "soon" has no limited time and one year I'm building this, all my captions from my mind written on the social media, all my time consumed to reply those not logical comments, money to adding culinary database. Poorly to say but it's true, no value for most of people here. They don't even aware what I'm doing, they just pretend that this is part my hobby. Then, simple logical question? If this is my hobby, then where is my money come from to invest in this hobby, if I have my own money,means I have my own job, means no much time to take care this account. right? Conversely, why don't they think this is part of my job, so money I got from here made me could add culinary database, photo acessories, even my mobile phone quota, and my time consumed to write those all attractive captions on social media. They don't think so, what is they think just "she's so lucky, eat lots of food and being paid." They never think not all the food I like, healthy for my body, good taste.They never think this is part of service job because I sell service not product, so my service is unvaluable in their eyes. I don't know I could keep this account active because those kind of supports. But still I'm happy I have reached my 1st year, Happy Anniversary to me.
The next week, I got invitation duty visit to Bali, yeah, unplanned trip, so half holiday half duty means half paid, half free hahaha. So, we flied to Bali for 4 nights. Our trip was fun, using waze explored areas in Bali. Hope can write to you on next chance yaaa if I'm not lazy haha... Back to Makassar, life was flat again, haha.. daily activities. Last week of 3rd month, I accompanied my mother in law visited Balikpapan because sister in law's father in law passed away, so we made a condolence visit, explored a few culinary places near hotel. I often visit Balikpapan and there is not much local culinary spots haha.
See you next month pals!
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