Always be grateful

Always be grateful
Just enjoy the path...

Dear YOU

Hello pals!

You come from everywhere...
Here are some stories of mine...
Puzzles that i keep searching through my life

Hope my writing will inspire you...
Make you figure out, when you're sad, there's someone worse than yours.
Make you realize that happiness is something you should share to others.

So, enjoy the pieces of mine ^^

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What New Year means?

Resolutions? Hopes? Dream comes true? New life? New heart? New pages of your life? 

For me, it's not more than just a move from one day to another day, from today to tomorrow, everything just move one, one day, one month, and one year. But most people still keep believing that new year is really special, bring new hopes, new dreams, and even new lifes. For me, it's not significant. I do make new hopes, new resolutions, but still for me, keep changing from time to time. I do believe changes. Till now, there are lots of changes in my life. People, things, stories, everything, there's nothing in this world that is static. 

Myself? Always try to change become better and better. Parents? They're also change, I can feel them. When I was a child, they're really strict to me, now, they give me more independences. Friends? Those people came in and out my life. No matter what, I still need them, appreciate them. I enjoy each moments spending with them when they're still beside me. because i never know when they'll leave me. Besides that, I'm not a person that depend a lot to friends, share my privacy and fully beleive them. I'm not that kind of person. I used to describe my privacy as a bread. Knowing it's a bread is all my friends, knowing is soft inside is my bestfriends, knowing what's the flavor inside is my mom, and knowing what's the taste is only me. I know myself more than others. Remind myself, I am who I am, and they are who they are. If we can't suit each other and make relations, that's because we just don't match. There's something outside the logics.

Everyone has their own changes, it's not just the matter of 31 december to 1 january because everyday we keep changing ourselves. Then, what's the special of new year? ha97... :p

Sometimes I feel I'm a stranger, often can't match with others because of my idealism, principles, but this is me. They can't change me, and I can't change them. Everyone have their own thinking, habits, lifestyles, if i can't suit them, then I can't make friends with them. It's ironic but it's really true. I have walked through those things several times, but still I am who I am. I choose losing them then change myself just to suit them.

Honestly, I'm not sure, but till now I still keep making sure myself, I will be proud of who I am, this is me, and just be myself, No matter others done, underestimate, I'll be good, just be myself. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SIxth Month in 20th

Bulan kelima di usia 20, belum ada sesuatu yg wah di bulan ini. Awal bulan kelima disibukkan dengan UAS yang bahan-bahannya benar membuatku muak tapi mau tak mau aku harus melaluinya semua. Ini pilihanku sejak dulu dan harus kuselesaikan. Melakukan hal bodoh selama aku kuliah dilakukan pada bulan ini. Ketidaktelitianku membuat aku gagal dan harus mengulang untuk pertama kalinya selama aku kuliah. Pertengahan bulan ini, aku kembali ke kampung halamanku. Aku pulang dan bertemu dengan keluargaku. Kali ini sama dengan kepulanganku yang terakhir. Aku lebih memilih diam di rumah menikmati saat-saat santai dan malas. Tak terasa 3 minggu aku menghabiskan liburanku.Waktu terasa sangat cepat. Rasanya aku tidak ingin balik ke Bandung, yang penuh dengan rutinitas dan kuliah yang lelah. Kembali lagi, ini pilihanku sejak awal dan aku harus mengakhirinya dengan manis. Harus tetap semangat!